Tips To Help You Avoid Tax Scams

As the tax deadline approaches, millions will rush to gather the necessary documents to file their returns. We’ve compiled a list of tax tips to help you avoid tax scams through the remainder of tax season and in the future.

Beware of scammers

Tax season is primetime for scammers pretending to be tax professionals, accountants or IRS agents looking to steal your identity. Ignore unfamiliar phone numbers and emails from people offering tax services or pretending to be the IRS. Do not open any attachments, click on any links or reply to an unknown sender as this could put your information at risk.

Store documents securely

Organization is the key to having a well-prepared tax return. Gather the documents you’ll need for the year and keep them together in a secure space like a home safe or safe deposit box. These documents may include your Social Security card, W-2 or 1099 forms and financial account information.

File your return early each year

According to the Government Accountability Office, the IRS estimated that online tax fraudsters tried to steal $12.2 billion through tax fraud in 2016. Even if the deadline is extended, avoid the possibility of a fraudster filing under your name by filing your tax return as soon as possible each year. If you notice a suspicious tax-related online or phishing scam, please report it to the IRS at
