The TFCU Great Auto Loan Payoff
You could win a loan payoff up to $50,000!*
You could win a loan payoff up to $50,000!*
Members with a TFCU auto loan are automatically entered into the sweepstakes.
You could win a loan payoff up to $50,000!*
2024 3rd Quarter Great Auto Loan Payoff Sweepstakes
Official Rules
1. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY: A new loan, purchase, or transaction will not increase your chances of winning and you have not yet won the Sweepstakes. This 2024 3rd Quarter Great Auto Loan Payoff Sweepstakes (“Q3 2024 Sweepstakes”) is void where prohibited and subject to eligibility and these Official Rules.
2. SWEEPSTAKES PERIOD: The Q3 2024 Sweepstakes begins at 12:00 a.m. CT on Monday, July 1, 2024, and ends at 6:00 p.m. CT on Sunday, September 30, 2024 (“Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period”). Tinker Federal Credit Union’s (“Tinker” or “TFCU”) computer system is the official time keeping device for this Q3 2024 Sweepstakes.
3. ELIGIBILITY: The Q3 2024 Sweepstakes is open to any current and prospective member of Tinker Federal Credit Union (“TFCU”) (a) who is a member in Good Standing (hereinafter defined) at the time of Sweepstakes entry and as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period (September 30, 2024); (b) who is a permanent legal resident of one of the fifty (50) states of the United States of America or the District of Columbia, (“U.S.”) or an ITIN holder; (c) has a valid U.S. street address (no PO boxes); and (d) who is at least eighteen (18) years of age as of the end of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period. The Q3 2024 Sweepstakes is void outside the eligible sweepstakes area and territory and where prohibited or restricted by applicable law. All Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entrants must be a TFCU member in Good Standing at the time of Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entry, remain a member in Good Standing through the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period (ending September 30, 2024), is a member in Good Standing as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, and a member in Good Standing at time of the award announcement. A TFCU member in “Good Standing” is determined solely by TFCU and is a member who has at least one share account with TFCU, has not defaulted on any payment obligations to TFCU, has no charge-off with TFCU, and is not determined to be in a delinquency status with TFCU. Any member who has a current and active TFCU automobile loan, at least one TFCU share account, and is in Good Standing will automatically be eligible for entry into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes, subject to all of the requirements in these 2024 3rd Quarter Great Auto Loan Payoff Sweepstakes Official Rules (“Official Rules”). A current and active TFCU automobile loan means that you have an existing automobile and/or vehicle loan (for a U.S. registered consumer automobile) and signed loan agreement (with a promissory note) at TFCU (“Vehicle Loan”) as of the last date of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period. For purposes of clarification, individual members and named account owners or loan holders (i) who are sixty (60) days or more delinquent on any loan payments or are considered in default; (ii) who have a charged-off debt at TFCU for any account or loan, or (iii) who are subject to a levy, garnishment, bankruptcy proceedings, or other legal debt or have a legal hold on their account(s) are not considered members in Good Standing and will be disqualified from winning the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes.
All TFCU, including its divisions and affiliates, and all of their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors, subcontractors, marketing partners, agencies, and all related immediate family members of such persons and entities, (including, but not limited to parents, children, spouses, in-laws, and siblings or persons living in the same household) are not eligible for entry into or for winning the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes. Furthermore, TFCU’s marketing partner, Braid Creative and Consulting, LLC and all of its directors, officers, employees, personnel, and their related immediate family members, (including, but not limited to parents, children, spouses, in-laws, and siblings or persons living in the same household), are not eligible for entry into or for winning the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes.
Any potential Q3 2024 Sweepstakes winner will be subject to verification of eligibility and be required to sign an affidavit of compliance with these Official Rules, including an authorization for the release of his or her social security number for tax reporting purposes. Any potential award winner will be required to complete an Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Form W-9 for income tax reporting purposes and the potential winner must further be able to present a valid (unexpired) U.S. federal or state picture identification to claim the award. The announced winner must reply to TFCU and supply the necessary information and completed forms and information within seven (7) calendar days of the first notification from TFCU or its agent. Failure of any potential winner to reply and communicate with TFCU, and return the required affidavit, IRS form, and other verification requirements to TFCU within the 7 calendar day time-frame from the initial attempted contact by TFCU will be determined to have automatically forfeited any award. In the event of award forfeiture, when the potential winner fails to reply within the 7 day time-frame, an announced winner is unreachable by phone, the award goes unrecognized, the potential winner fails to complete and provide all requirements and forms, or if an announced winner declines the award, then TFCU is authorized to randomly select an alternate potential winner to receive the award. All potential winners are subject to the requirements of these Official Rules and any failure to comply with the Official Rules shall deem any potential winners ineligible and/or considered a forfeiture of the award. In the event of any dispute as to the identity of the potential winner, the potential winner shall be required to identify their eligibility as a primary member in Good Standing with TFCU and further verify their identity with a valid identification as required by these Official Rules.
The Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award (up to the total amount of the Vehicle Loan amount due and owing to TFCU and not to exceed the allowable amount of the award) will be applied to a TFCU Vehicle Loan payoff for the eligible Vehicle Loan identified as part of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entry. If the eligible Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entrant has more than one Vehicle Loan with TFCU, then (if randomly drawn as the potential winner, is member in Good Standing, and meets the requirements of these Official Rules), TFCU will apply the payoff Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award, (up to Vehicle Loan TFCU owed amount and no more than the maximum amount of the award), to the highest Vehicle Loan amount held at TFCU. The payoff Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award will apply to only one TFCU Vehicle Loan and shall not apply to any other loans of the winner (held at TFCU or any other financial institution) and no other loans will be eligible for any payoff as part of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award. All potential winners must comply with the terms and conditions of these Official Rules and any declaration as an official winner of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes is contingent upon meeting all of the eligibility requirements of these Official Rules and fulfilling all requirements set forth in these Official Rules.
4. HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: No new loan, purchase, or transaction is necessary to enter or win the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes, but you must be a member in Good Standing with TFCU and meet the eligibility requirements of these Official Rules. Eligible individual and primary members, who meet the requirements under these Official Rules, with a TFCU Vehicle Loan will be automatically entered into the drawing during the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period. Automatically entered eligible primary members will receive one (1) Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entry based on the eligible primary member’s highest Vehicle Loan amount “Funded” and held with TFCU as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period. A “Funded” TFCU Vehicle Loan means that a member has applied for, completed, signed, and met all of the TFCU loan agreement and documentation requirements and TFCU has received all required and signed agreements, documents, notes, and other paperwork, (including all required verifications, title-work, secured filed lien, and all other TFCU required lending information and documents), and TFCU has provided funds to the dealership and/or seller of the automobile for the purpose of the eligible member purchasing and financing the automobile through TFCU. The eligible Vehicle Loan for payoff (or partial payoff) must be in the eligible primary share member’s name.
Eligible primary members who wish to enter the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes and are a member in Good Standing as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, but do not have a current Funded Vehicle Loan with TFCU can enter the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes once by mail. To register by mail, the eligible member must hand-write “2024 3rd Quarter TFCU Great Auto Loan Payoff,” the member’s legal name (as it matches TFCU account records), valid U.S. street address (with city, state, and zip code (no post office boxes)), telephone number with area code, and Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entry date on a 3” x 5”’ index card and mail the card with the information on it to: Tinker Federal Credit Union, Attention: Marketing-Great Auto Loan Payoff, PO Box 45750, Tinker AFB, OK 73145. Postage in full must be prepaid and the entry must be mailed through the United States mail (and U.S. post office). All mailed entries must be properly hand-written and hand addressed with no postage due. All mailed entries must be postmarked by a United States post office by the date of the end of Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period (September 30, 2024). Mechanically or digitally reproduced entries are automatically void. All entries, data, and information provided become the exclusive property of TFCU and entry forms will not be returned. TFCU may use, and the entrant expressly consents to the use of, any and all information and data provided by the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entrant as part of their entry into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes for TFCU marketing and other legal purposes by TFCU or any of its divisions, affiliates, and partners. Incomplete, inaccurate, illegible, invalid, damaged, misdirected, returned, lost, late, or returned for postage-due entries will be disqualified and not eligible for winning. There is a limit of one (1) entry per eligible primary member throughout the entire Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, regardless of entry method. By submitting a mail entry and/or not rejecting an automatic entry in writing binds you to these Official Rules. All mail-in entries must meet the requirements of these Official Rules and are subject to all of the terms of these Official Rules.
5. AWARD: Only one (1) winner per applicable sweepstakes will be awarded and will be randomly selected by TFCU. There will be only one primary member eligible to have his or her outstanding highest Vehicle Loan balance, as of September 30, 2024 – the end of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, paid off, up to but not exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). If a loan payment has been made between the time when the winner is drawn and when he or she is contacted, any amount over the drawn outstanding loan amount shall be deposited into the member’s Share Account. Any Vehicle Loan balance, including, but not limited to any remaining principle balance, accrued interest, and fees exceeding the $50,000 limit will remain due and owing to TFCU and payments will be required to be made in accordance with the member’s original Vehicle Loan agreement. Any Vehicle Loan balance that is less than the potential $50,000 Q3 2024 Sweepstakes maximum award will be paid in full and the Vehicle Loan lien released by TFCU; however, the member will not receive any cash or benefit in excess of the highest Vehicle Loan balance, regardless of the Vehicle Loan balance being less than the potential $50,000 maximum Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award. If the potential winner is an eligible member who mailed in a registration entry and does not have an existing current Vehicle Loan with TFCU as of September 30, 2024 – the end of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, then the winner will be entitled to a TFCU award payment voucher or draft, up to and not to exceed $50,000 (including all fees, excise taxes, income taxes, title fees, and any other fees, costs, or expenses), which may be applied towards the purchase of a new or used automobile purchased or financed through TFCU, subject to all required qualifications, financing approvals, credit requirements, and TFCU lending and underwriting guidelines, policies, and procedures. For any non-existing Vehicle Loan holder winner as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period, a payment voucher or draft will be issued, (subject to the requirements in these Official Rules and TFCU financing qualifications), and will be valid and redeemable only with TFCU until (i) the end of the current year of the award announcement, ending on September 30, or (ii) not more than four (4) months from the day, date, and time of the award announcement of the award winner, whichever, period is longer. The payment voucher is only redeemable by and through TFCU and will only be applied after verification and approval of the Vehicle Loan in accordance with TFCU lending and underwriting guidelines, or for non-financed purchases, the automobile purchase and value is subject to TFCU and industry review and valuations in accordance with TFCU guidelines. For a potential winner who does not finance a Vehicle Loan through TFCU, the potential winner must provide the make, model, and year of the automobile for purchase, allow TFCU to verify the automobile valuation, and work directly with the proposed dealer for member redemption and payment of the award. The vehicle purchase price must not exceed the fair market value of the proposed vehicle for purchase, (as determined by TFCU guidelines and book value). Only loans financed through TFCU are eligible for payoff (or partial payoff, if payoff exceeds $50,000). The award and payment voucher or draft will be applied to a qualified vehicle purchase or TFCU financed Vehicle Loan to reduce the TFCU Funded loan amount.
Potential winners who do not have an existing Vehicle Loan with TFCU as of the last day of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period must meet the eligibility requirements of these Official Rules and must purchase and/or finance a consumer automobile within the time allotted by these Official Rules for the award to be valid and applied, subject to all of the qualifications, approvals, documents, guidelines, and other requirements under these Official Rules. Any Vehicle Loan that has a total payoff of $50,000 or less will be paid-off and the lien released by TFCU. The potential winner will not receive or be entitled to receive any monetary cash amount, award, aggregate amount greater than $50,000, or other beneficial use of the award, over and above the paid off balance of the Vehicle Loan. (No cash or cash refunds will be provided to a potential winner or the final winner). The selection of the winner will be determined by TFCU through a random application and/or computer drawing based off a list of eligible Q3 2024 Sweepstakes entrants on TFCU’s system and TFCU’s announcement and awarded winner shall be final and binding. Any Q3 2024 Sweepstakes award may not be substituted, transferred, or exchanged to any other person or member or for any other award, amount, cash value, or benefit. The total amount of the award may be less than $50,000, but in no event will the award exceed $50,000. THE WINNER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL APPLICABLE TAXES, FEES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY LOAN, WINNINGS, OR AWARD BASED ON APPLICABLE FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS. The winner will be electronically selected at the end of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period from all valid and eligible entries. No award will be provided in cash and will not be redeemable through any other persons, entities, or parties, but will be applied directly to the winner’s Vehicle Loan balance with TFCU, as determined by TFCU’s loan system, or if entry by mail, then only redeemed and payable directly from TFCU following TFCU verification and approval of TFCU financing or the purchase and value of the automobile.
6. RESTRICTIONS: Only one (1) entry per each eligible primary member is allowed. Eligible members will automatically be entered into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes based on their TFCU Vehicle Loan and Good Standing member status. If eligible members have more than one Vehicle Loan with TFCU, then the highest balance Vehicle Loan, in the TFCU system records, will be the Vehicle Loan eligible for payoff, subject to the requirements of these Official Rules. Eligible members will only be allowed one entry, regardless of the number of Vehicle Loans held with TFCU. If an eligible member submits an entry by U.S. mail, they may only submit one entry and will be eligible for only one entry. ALL MAILED ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 (THE END OF THE Q3 2024 SWEEPSTAKES PERIOD) BY THE U.S. POST OFFICE AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY TFCU NO LATER THAN TWO DAYS FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 (THE Q3 2024 SWEEPSTAKES PERIOD). Any subsequent entries or multiple entries determined to be submitted in violation of these Official Rules will be discarded as ineligible. Eligible members with a Vehicle Loan automatic sweepstakes entry will take priority over any mailed-in entries by the same eligible member; duplicate entries by mail will be discarded. TFCU reserves the right and has the power to discard multiple and/or subsequent entries in violation of these Official Rules. At any time you may be asked to verify your entry information and validate your eligibility. Any illicit, illegal, or other dishonest activity to undermine or tamper with the legitimate operation of this Q3 2024 Sweepstakes by any person or related person to an eligible person by cheating, hacking, deception, or other practices or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrants or TFCU entities will invalidate such person’s eligibility to win.
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TFCU, its divisions, affiliates, partners, agents, representatives, employees, officers, directors, and sponsors are not responsible for lost, late, mutilated, delayed, inaccurate, incomplete, postage due, misdirected entries, miscommunications, failed telephone or computer transmissions, or for other errors, omissions, interruptions, or deletions of any kind whether human, mechanical, or electronic or for any damage to any person or person’s property related to participating in the Q3 2024 Persons found tampering with, abusing any aspect of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes or entries or violating these Official Rules, will be disqualified and may be subject to prosecution. ANY ATTEMPT TO UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE Q3 2024 SWEEPSTAKES IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND FOR ANY SUCH ATTEMPT, TFCU, ITS AFFILIATES, SPONSORS, AND PARTNERS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES AND OTHER REMEDIES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTEMPT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of a potential winner or entry based on an automatic entry, the winning entry will be declared made by the member who is the primary share account holder, as determined solely by TFCU’s records. IN NO EVENT WILL TFCU OR ANY OF ITS DIVISIONS, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SPONSORS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND PARTNERS BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LOSSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY PARTICIPATION OR ENTRY IN THIS Q3 2024 SWEEPSTAKES OR THE ACCEPTANCE OR USE OR MISUSE OF ANY AWARD. Any disputes arising out of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes or these Official Rules will be governed in accordance with applicable federal laws and the laws of the state of Oklahoma. Any disputes will be settled in the district, jurisdiction, and venue of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma County. ALL ENTRANTS WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL AND ADDITIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO FORM AND/OR BRING A CLASS ACTION IN RELATION TO THIS Q3 2024 SWEEPSTAKES TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY U.S. FEDERAL OR OKLAHOMA LAW. Entrants and participants in the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes (eligible or ineligible entrants and participants), shall not be entitled to claim, request, or receive any consequential, punitive, indirect, direct, special, incidental, or other damages for any reason. In the event of any damages awarded, such shall be strictly limited to direct and actual out-of-pocket expenses and costs, regardless of cause or reason. These limitations are void where prohibited. TFCU and its divisions, affiliates, partners, sponsors, representatives, and agents expressly disclaim any and all liability, indirect or direct, regarding the entrant’s participation in the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes, including but not limited to any chances of winning, and do not make any warranties of any kind as part of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes. Each entrant agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless TFCU and any of its affiliates, sponsors, employees, volunteers, officers, directors, representatives, agents, and partners from and against any and all liability, claims, causes of action, losses, injury, demands, or damages (regardless of action, cause, or participation) resulting from the entrant’s actions, inactions, or participation in the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes.
8. GENERAL: Unless you specifically opt-out of being automatically entered into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes by providing written notice to TFCU of your opt-out selection, you agree to be entered into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes and represent that you have read these Official Rules and agree to be fully bound by them. If you do not wish to be automatically entered into this Q3 2024 Sweepstakes upon eligibility then please notify TFCU member services at (405) 732-0324 or (800) 456-4828 or through one of our conveniently located branches and provide us with a written statement of your desire to not be entered into the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes. Only one (1) award will be awarded to a verified and eligible member and winner and the winner decision will be final. The winner will be randomly selected from the list of eligible entrants maintained on the TFCU system. The potential winner will be notified by phone on or after October 9, 2024. If any potential winner randomly selected is disqualified, found to be ineligible, is not in compliance with these Official Rules, or fails to personally respond to TFCU within seven (7) calendar days of the initial phone notification from TFCU or its representative, then TFCU reserves the right to disqualify the winner and randomly select another potential winner. If the foregoing occurs, then the initial potential winner will be considered to have forfeited his or her award. Potential winners do not need to be present to win. The odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries on the TFCU system; only one entry per eligible primary member during the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes Period is allowed. Neither TFCU nor any of its divisions, affiliates, employees, officers, contractors, representatives, agents, or partners are responsible for any late, lost, stolen, incomplete, ineligible, invalid, illegible, inaccurate, or misdirected entries. The award is not transferable, exchangeable, cannot be redeemed for cash, and may only be applied to a Vehicle Loan with TFCU (or as otherwise indicated in these Official Rules). The eligible potential winner must present a valid U.S. government or U.S. state issued photo identification (unexpired) to claim the award. The official winner will be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility and compliance to these Official Rules, fill out an IRS Form W-9, sign a Consent and Liability Release Form, and agree to pay all applicable federal and state taxes, fees, and costs to receive his or her award. The official winner who accepts the award grants TFCU the right to use the official winner’s name, address, photograph, and likenesses for advertising, promotional, and publicity purposes.
Any personally identifiable information received, provided, or collected for purposes of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes will be protected in accordance with TFCU’s privacy policy located at https://dev.tinkerfcu.org/online-privacy-policy/. TFCU reserves the right to cancel, suspend, terminate, and/or modify the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes and these Official Rules, in whole or in part, if any fraud, technical failures, viruses, tampering, defects, illegality, or any other factor beyond TFCU’s control occurs or impairs the integrity of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes. Applicable U.S. federal and Oklahoma state laws apply to this Q3 2024 Sweepstakes and these Official Rules. All award amounts will be reported as taxable income to the official winner. All federal, state and local taxes imposed by acceptance of the award are solely the responsibility of the official winner and the official winner is responsible for the reporting and payment of any such award amount. If you have questions regarding the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes, these Official Rules, or to obtain a copy of these Official Rules you may contact Tinker Federal Credit Union at (405) 732-0324 or 1-800-456-4828, visit TinkerFCU.org, write to us at P.O. Box 45750, Tinker AFB, OK 73145, or visit one of the many convenient Tinker Federal Credit Union branch locations. All entrants, participants, and potential winners of the Q3 2024 Sweepstakes agree to strictly comply with and accept these Official Rules and the requirements of these Official Rules.