Economic Reasoning
The choices you make today can often affect how much money you will have in the future. Students will use the PACED model of decision making to learn about basic personal finance concepts like choices, trade-off, opportunity cost and more. Using school prom as a scenario, they will discover the benefits of evaluating and analyzing alternatives before making a choice. (This workshop is an introduction to the Personal Finance Literacy Passport required of all High School graduates in Oklahoma.)

How to Adult – Real World Financial Decisions
All too often students don’t have the perspective necessary to understand the difficult financial decisions adults have to make. This workshop will pair students together and teach them the basics of household budgeting and decision making. They will receive a profile that includes information about a career, income and deduction information, debt and children. The students then have to make decisions about needs and wants, including housing, transportation, food, childcare, entertainment and more. Through the presentation and activity, they will learn how to create a family budget, and also how their decisions impact their ability to live the life they want.

The Karma of Credit
Credit is surrounded by a lot of myths and misunderstandings. In this interactive workshop, students will pretend to be loan officer and have to decide if an applicant qualifies for a loan. They will learn about evaluating credit reports and credit scores and what factors can affect a person’s financial reputation. This exercise will help them understand what they’ll need to borrow money for a car or home or to get a credit card.