Cut Your Electric Bill In Summer Months

With the rising cost of energy, summer is a time when your electric bill can skyrocket. Here are some suggestions to keep those costs down in the coming months.

With the rising cost of energy, summer is a time when your electric bill can skyrocket. Here are some suggestions to keep those costs down in the coming months:

Raise your thermostat setting. According to the Department of Energy, raising your air conditioning thermostat at night or when you’re away from home can save 5 to 15 percent.

Switch to dimmers. They can save about 50 percent over standard light switches. Replace your incandescent bulbs with fluorescent light. Don’t forget to turn off lights if you’re going to leave a room for more than 10 minutes.

Invest in ceiling fans. You could cut cooling costs by up to 80 percent if you use them instead of running the air conditioner constantly. Using them in conjunction with an air conditioner lets you raise the thermostat between 2 and 6 degrees. Every degree can save 4-8 percent on cooling costs.

Lower the temperature of your water heater. Most people have them set at 140 degrees. Water will still be hot if you lower the temp to 110 or 120 degrees. Another trick: Drain a few gallons of water from the tank every month. Sediment can gather, which makes the heating element work harder.
