Free Trial Offers Not Free If You Don’t Cancel

Many companies offer free trial periods to lure consumers with a ”no obligation” chance to try out a new product or service for a set period of time. This is fine, if you’re interested in trying it. Just be aware that the responsibility to cancel the service at the end of the trial period rests solely on you. If you decide you don’t want to keep the service but forget to cancel within the time agreed upon, the company will begin to automatically bill the credit card or debit card you provided initially.

If the offer is not cancelled within the timeframe and according to guidelines the merchant provided up front, it is usually impossible for you to receive credit back for those monthly billings once you realize what is happening. These trial offers are legal, but they do leave the burden of cancellation on the consumer. If you decide to take advantage of such an offer, make sure you have a reminder system to let you know it is time to cancel BEFORE the monthly charges begin.
