Recent stock market volatility has many TFCU members re-evaluating their strategies. While the potential of the stock market to greatly increase your wealth over time is a strong motivator, it also carries a certain amount of risk. Just as financial advisors stress diversity in your stock portfolio to reduce that risk, most advisors would also tell you to have some of your money in an insured savings option closer to home than Wall Street.
At TFCU, we also advocate a good balance of where you keep your money. By all means, don’t let the ups and downs of the market keep you from enjoying the potential earnings investing some of your money can bring. But, make sure you also have funds drawing steady dividends in sources you can tap as you need them.
Fortunately, as a TFCU member, you have great options for secured savings at competitive rates, including:
- Share Certificates
- IRAs
- Command Fund (Money Market) Accounts
- Premium Plus™ Tiered Money Market Accounts
Take advantage of our special certificate offers as they become available.
See us today about rounding out your financial portfolio with great savings options and rates at TFCU that keep your money close and accessible.